Professor, Program Director

Dr. William Gonwa

Department: Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management
Clinical Lecturer

Gail Gonzalez

Department: School of Nursing

Avery Goodman

Department: Mechanical Engineering
(414) 277-7375 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S205B
Associate Professor

Dr. Douglas Grabenstetter

Department: Mechanical Engineering
(414) 277-7390 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S112E Faculty Resume
Assistant Professor

David Grassl

Department: Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Dolores Greenawalt

Department: Humanities, Social Science, and Communication
(414) 277-2357 Grohmann Museum: GM304

Gabrielle Grimes

Department: Physics and Chemistry
(414) 277-2145 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S238C Faculty Resume
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Dr. Ernesto Guerra Vallejos

Department: Rader School of Business
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Anna Guerrero

Department: School of Nursing
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Stig Haagensen

Department: Rader School of Business
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Scott Habegger

Department: Rader School of Business
Adjunct Trainer

Rich Hacker

Department: Rader School of Business

Michael Hamman

Department: Mechanical Engineering
(414) 277-7375 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S258C
Clinical Assistant Professor

Thomas Hanley

Department: Rader School of Business
Associate Professor

Dr. Kevin Hart

Department: Mechanical Engineering
(414) 277-7355 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S229 Faculty Resume

Dr. Robert Hasker

Department: Computer Science and Software Engineering
Associate Professor

Dr. Eryn Hassemer

Department: Physics and Chemistry
Assistant Professor

Michael Hayes

Department: Mechanical Engineering
(414) 277-7409 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S112C Faculty Resume
Clinical Assistant Professor

Amy Heikkinen

Department: Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering
Clinical Assistant Professor

Kate Herrmann

Department: Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering