Washington Monthly’s annual College Guide and Rankings recognized MSOE as number six for Best Bang for the Buck Rankings: Midwest as well as number 88 for Master’s University Rankings for 2020.

Best Bang for the Buck colleges are those that help non-wealthy students obtain marketable degrees at affordable prices. Master’s Universities are institutions that award a significant number of master’s degrees but few or no doctoral degrees.

Washington Monthly rates schools based on what they do for the country. It ranks four-year schools (national universities, liberal arts colleges, baccalaureate colleges, and master’s universities) based on their contribution to the public good in three broad categories: social mobility, research, and providing opportunities for public service.

Some contributing factors to MSOE’s rankings included an 8-year graduation rate of 60%, 79 Pell graduates, and 25% first-gen students. View the 2020 College Guide and Rankings