Money Matters is the perfect place for current and prospective MSOE students to begin their scholarship search. Students will find a complete listing of scholarships, including scholarships exclusively for MSOE students, private scholarships and donor funded scholarships. Donor funded scholarships require the General Scholarship Application. Check out the full listing of scholarships below that you may be eligible for.

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Donor Funded Scholarships

The 2024-25 General Scholarship Application is now CLOSED.  The 2025-2026 application will open in Fall 2024.

Students can be considered for our numerous Donor Funded Scholarships by filling out the General Scholarship Application. One application qualifies students for consideration for a majority of our donor funded scholarships. Completed Scholarship Applications can be submitted to the Financial Aid Office via email ( or using our secure upload. 

Private Scholarship Opportunities for MSOE Students


Private Scholarships Websites

Private scholarships are given to students from donors and organizations outside of MSOE. These include academic societies, foundations, community organizations, workplaces, and so much more! These scholarships require a separate application to be submitted directly to the grantor of the scholarship. While MSOE is providing these sites, we do not endorse nor are we affiliated with any of the private resources listed.