Employee Directory

Thomas Barsokine
Department: Facilities

Athletic Trainer
Anna Barth
Department: Athletics

Executive VP of Academics
Dr. Eric Baumgartner
Department: Academics

Adjunct Assistant Professor
John Beardsley
Department: Humanities, Social Science, and Communication

Custodian II
Joseph Beaver
Department: Custodial

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Susan Becker
Department: Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Kristen Belan
Department: Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management

Adjunct Associate Professor
Dianne Bender
Department: Humanities, Social Science, and Communication

Maintenance Technician
James Benites
Department: Facilities

Senior Advisor to the President
Dr. Daniel Bergen
Department: President's Office

STEM Instructor
Brianna Berillo
Department: STEM

Associate Professor
Dr. Sebastian Berisha
Department: Computer Science and Software Engineering

Curator of Education and Outreach
Marina Bernovich
Department: Grohmann Museum

Administrative Assistant
Teianah Bethly
Department: Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management

Associate Professor
Dr. Lauren Beverung
Department: Humanities, Social Science, and Communication

Assistant Professor
Dr. Saikath Bhattacharya
Department: Computer Science and Software Engineering

MSOE Honors Project Coordinator
Bridgette Binczak
Department: Humanities, Social Science, and Communication

Laboratory Manager
Brian Blazel
Department: Fluid Power Institute

Assistant Manager
Dawn Blessing
Department: Raider Shop

Donnie Bogle-Boesiger
Department: Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management