Adjunct Trainer

Tim Kerrigan

Department: Professional Education and Research Development
(414) 277-7143 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S138

Kate Kerrigan

Department: Mechanical Engineering
(414) 277-7375 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S205A Faculty Resume
Assistant Professor

Dr. Amy Ketchum

Department: School of Nursing
Clinical Assistant Professor

Suzanne Keuler

Department: Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering
Assistant Professor

Dr. Md Khorrom Khan

Department: Computer Science and Software Engineering
Clinical Lecturer

Taylor King

Department: School of Nursing
(414) 277-2494 Campus Center: CC150
Adjunct Associate Professor

Martha Kliebenstein

Department: School of Nursing
Assistant Professor

Dr. Jennifer Klug

Department: School of Nursing

Jennifer Knapkiewicz

Department: Mathematics
(414) 277-2321 Walter Schroeder Library: L313 Faculty Resume

Brandon Koltz

Department: Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Patty Kramer

Department: Rader School of Business
Adjunct Trainer

Bernard Krauska, PE

Department: Rader School of Business
Clinical Assistant Professor

Donald Krauske

Department: Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering
Professor Emeritus

Dr. Peter Kuhfittig

Department: Mathematics
(414) 277-7372 Walter Schroeder Library: L313
Clinical Lecturer

Mary Labinski

Department: School of Nursing
Adjunct Associate Professor

Dr. Aruna Lal

Department: School of Nursing
Professor, Program Director

Dr. Jeff LaMack

Department: Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering
(414) 277-7535 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S364 Faculty Resume
Adjunct Trainer

Latasha Langdon

Department: Rader School of Business
Visiting Assistant Professor

Devon Lantagne

Department: Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering
(414) 277-2488 Allen Bradley Hall of Science: S354 Faculty Resume
Adjunct Associate Professor

Amii LaPointe

Department: Humanities, Social Science, and Communication