The chart below provides guidance on how many credits you can expect to earn based on your IB courses and scores. MSOE only offers credit for scores of 5 or higher in Higher Level (HL) courses, unless otherwise indicated.





Biology HL 5, 6, 7 BIO 1110 4 CR
Business Management HL 5, 6, 7 BUS 2100 and Business Elective 6 CR
Chemistry HL 5, 6, 7

CHM 1010: Think Critically (opportunity to test out of CHM 1020 only if score is 6 or higher)

4 CR
Classical Languages   None --
Computer Science HL 6, 7

May do Credit by Examination for CSC 1010

4 CR




Design Technology HL   None --
Digital Society HL 5, 6, 7 SOC 4001  - This course can only be used to fulfil a free elective or UX major or minor requirement. It does not fulfil a general education requirement 3 CR
Economics HL 5, 6, 7

BUS 2221 and BUS 2222: Exhibit Curiosity and Think Critically

6 CR
Environmental Systems and Societies   None --
Film   None --
Geography   None --
Global Politics HL 5, 6, 7 PSC 2010: Exhibit Curiosity 3 CR
History: Americas HL 5, 6, 7 HST 1014: Exhibit Curiosity or Think Critically 3 CR
History: Europe HL 5, 6, 7 HST 2021: Exhibit Curiosity or Think Critically 3 CR
Language A: English: Language and Literature HL 5, 6, 7 COM 1001: Communicate Effectively 3 CR
Language A: English-Literature HL 5, 6, 7 LIT 2010: Exhibit Curiosity 3 CR
Language and Culture   Not available until 2025  
Language B: English HL 5, 6, 7 COM 1001: Communicate Effectively 3 CR
Language B: German HL 5, 6, 7 GER 2001: Exhibit Curiosity or Embrace Diversity 3 CR
Language B: Spanish HL 5, 6, 7 SPN 2001: Exhibit Curiosity or Embrace Diversity 3 CR
Literature and Performance   None --
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches HL 5, 6, 7

MTH 1110

4 CR

Math Applications and Interpretations  






Philosophy HL 5, 6, 7 PHL 3201: Exhibit Curiosity 3 CR
Physics HL   None --
Psychology HL 5, 6, 7 PSY 1001: Exhibit Curiosity or Think Critically 3 CR
Social and Cultural Anthropology HL 5, 6, 7 ANT 1001: Exhibit Curiosity or Embrace Diversity 3 CR
Sports, Exercise and Health Science   None --
Theater 5, 6, 7 FNA 2002: Exhibit Curiosity 3 CR
Visual Arts   None --
World Religions   None --