Success Coaching

Elevate your college experience - connect with a success coach to create a path towards your personal, academic and career goals. Your success coach is here to help you explore, build and adapt your academic and life skills as you navigate through MSOE. You can connect with your Success Coach with a Success Meeting Request.

Success Allies

Success Allies provide peer support for you as you navigate your experiences at MSOE. Success Allies help you not only survive, but thrive at MSOE by helping you with accountability and skills, that help you progress towards your goals. The Success allies use their own personal experiences at MSOE to help you develop a strategy for success! You can connect with an Ally with a Session Request or at any of the RCAS Huddles


The HYPE page is a fun online place that students could hang out and converse with the RCAS community. Ask a question about classes, make a post in the meme channel, or show off your Wordle score to your fellow peers. Join the discussion!

Inquiry Email

Looking to connect with RCAS? Send us a message!