Services Offered
American Dining Creations
All students will have access to unlimited meal plans allowing them to eat when they want and as much as they wish in MSOE’s Dining Commons, located in the Campus Center building. The unlimited meal plan is a robust program; students can enjoy as much or as little as they need to stay healthy and focused without worrying about when and how to dine.
Two-Year Residency Requirement
During the two-year residency requirement, students who live in one of MSOE’s Residence Halls participate in the unlimited meal plan. Using this plan, students eat in the Dining Commons when they want and as much as they wish from Monday – Friday from 7 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. and weekend hours 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
After the Residency Requirement
Students who have met the residency requirement or who live off campus are not required to have a meal plan. Meal plans are optional and available to meet individual students' needs. Students who live on campus and have met the residency requirement or live off campus have a few dining options.
- Purchase the unlimited meal plan.
- Purchase a block plan.
- Purchase meals on-campus as needed.
- Choose not to use the meal plan and dining services.
Residence Life Cinema
Residence Life Cinema is an all-in-one streaming platform available for free to students who access it on the university network. Residence Life Cinema offers up to 1,200 movies and TV series free for students. New movies are added monthly. The platform is also available to student organizations and campus groups. Our agreement allows for groups of up to 50 people to watch a movie or TV show on campus without the need for additional copyright agreements.
Equipment Available for Check Out
General equipment, such as games, vacuums, and sporting equipment (e.g., soccer balls, volleyballs, footballs, and basketballs) are free to all residents.
RJ45 ethernet connections are available in each room for access to the Internet and interconnection between rooms for work groups. Students living in Margaret Loock Hall will need a wireless router. All other residential buildings include native wireless routers; personal routers are prohibited. Students also have access to Wi-Fi across campus.
Debit (using the Raider Plan on one's MSOE ID Card) pay washers and dryers are located in the basement of Margaret Loock Hall, basement of Viets Tower, and fourth floor of Grohmann Tower. Instructions on how to use the machines and load money onto the card can be found in each laundry room.
MSOE students can park on campus in our parking complex. Contact Public Safety (Campus Safety) at (414) 277-7161 for more information about obtaining a parking pass.
Raider Plan
The Raider Plan (using one's MSOE ID Card) debit system is used on copiers, vending machines, laundry machines, at the bookstore, the dining facility, the Viets Tower convenience store, and various off-campus locations. The Raider Plan is not the meal plan. More details are available on the Raider Plan information page.
Residence Hall Mail
Mail is delivered to the MSOE residence halls each weekday. Packages are received through the U.S. Postal Service, UPS, Amazon, and other carriers.
The mail is delivered to a student's mailbox in Margaret Loock Hall and Grohmann Tower. For Viets Tower and Mellowes Hall, the mail is held at the desk for students to pick up.
Packages may be picked up at the build's front desk between 8 a.m. and midnight. Packages not claimed within a reasonable time may be returned to the sender.
Official postal service outgoing letter mail pick-up boxes are located in the lobby of the Margret Loock Hall, Viets Tower, and Grohmann Tower. Residents of Mellowes Hall will have mail packages waiting for them at the Viets Tower front desk. A U.S. Post Office is located at the corner of Jackson and Juneau Streets, about two blocks east of the residence halls.
To ensure prompt delivery of student mail, all correspondence and packages should be addressed as shown below:
Residents of Viets Tower
Viets Tower, <ROOM NUMBER>
Milwaukee School of Engineering
1121 N. Milwaukee St.
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Residents of Mellowes Hall
Mellowes Hall, <ROOM NUMBER>
Milwaukee School of Engineering
1121 N. Milwaukee St.
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Residents of Margaret Loock Hall
Margaret Loock Hall, <ROOM NUMBER>
Milwaukee School of Engineering
324 E. Juneau Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Residents of Grohmann Tower
233 E. Juneau Ave., <ROOM NUMBER>
Milwaukee, WI 53202